Efficient Fly Casting With Maxine McCormick

Meet Maxine

I am Maxine, an accomplished fly caster, an avid fly angler, a student at The University of Washington, and a full time lover of the outdoors!

Fly fishing has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Initially fly fishing for me was mainly about fun trips with family and friends. One day when I was nine my dad took me with him to the Golden Gate Angling and Casting Club in San Francisco. I was lucky enough to meet people who were excited to help me with my casting. I quickly took an interest, especially in accuracy fly casting at targets. Once my fly casting improved, fly fishing became much more fun. My dad and I went on to be trained by some of the most skilled fly casters. Since then, I have attended three World Fly Casting Championships and I have won seven gold medals. I won my first gold in accuracy when I was twelve, and when I was eighteen, I was the first and only person to cast a perfect score of eighty points, regardless of gender. In Norway I set a record in the single hand Women's Sea Trout and won all the single hand events. Overall, the skills I have developed while tournament casting have resulted in more confidence, success and fun on the water while fishing. 

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